Sunday 27 April 2014

Oh, that thou wouldst not enlarge my coast

A quite popular prayer in Christendom is one which says, “Oh God, enlarge my coast”. The phrase is derived from the heartfelt plea of a man in the Bible, called Jabez. His birth had come with great pain for his mother and from the anguish of her soul she cursed her baby with sorrow all the days of his life. And indeed, sorrow stuck to him like feathers to the bird until the day he looked to heaven and cried, “Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast….” Ever since, heaven has been besieged with the same request by people who believe their situation parallels that of Jabez.

Whilst saying this prayer, the word ‘coast’ connotes different things to different people. For some it means a spouse and for others it means children; for some it refers to a promotion and for others it’s a bigger house. But the connotation I find most interesting is the one given to it by a priest. He claimed that Jabez was praying for a greater sphere of influence and a higher position of authority in his community. Then he directed his listeners to request for the same. But as the congregation lifted its voice in prayers I could only pray that God would kindly delay fulfilling their request.

It’s not that I don’t want the congregants to get wider influence by becoming permanent secretaries, council chairmen, commissioners, minsters, governors or even the president. But, I believe that our world is in the big mess it is because people’s coasts got enlarged without their hearts getting enlarged. With a wider sphere comes greater influence over the lives of other people and it should be given only to those who are sympathetic, responsible and have a generous disposition. Anytime an enlarged coast was given to one who is narrow-hearted the result has always been catastrophic; it is like giving the keys of a bull dozer to a three year old. History is littered with Abachas, Hitlers, Stalins and Idi-Amins whose deeds could have been less shocking were they confined to an obscure existence.

My country, Nigeria, has been particularly plagued with narrow-hearted men whose coasts became enlarged. Many, if not all of these leaders, are men of faith and must have said Jabez’s prayer or a similar one at one time or the other. That their wishes were granted is the reason my countrymen are suffering today. The moment they attained rulership all their puny minds could see were the perks of office and the proverbial national cake. Their ilk favours title deeds in the Hamptons over the timeless smiles they could paint on the face of the downtrodden. Their hands would rather grab the little from the poor than lift their heavy burdens and their severely limited minds are unable to conceive the common good that needs to be achieved. What they should have asked for was to be made large-hearted men and women so that when their coasts got enlarged they would diligently seek the welfare of their neighbour.

So that we don’t point the finger at leaders alone, we must talk about followers too. Just as today is simply yesterday’s choices coming home to roost, every leader today was once a follower. We love to blame our leaders for everything but can we vouch that we would be different if we became leaders tomorrow? Are we large-hearted enough to forsake our personal or pecuniary or ethnic or religious interests for the common good? I am not waiting for your answer. Instead, next Sunday, I am rushing to church to beg God not to enlarge your coast and mine. I will even ask him to shrink it if he has ever enlarged them. I will beg him to rather mercifully enlarge your heart and mine for only then will we be ready to manage an enlarged coast.

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