Thursday 20 February 2014

Why is God faraway?

Why is God silent? Why is he afar off? Why has he stepped back?

As a Christian these questions often crossed the mind. But as a mother lovingly watches over her baby, God is always there for His children.

Think about a growing child and how he starts to walk. With the first step he takes, everyone around screams and shouts for joy. Then he drops on his bum, for his weight is too much for his fragile joints and bones to carry. A few days later, he tries and adds more steps, laughing  at the new experience. But as he reaches for Mum, she steps further away from him. "Why?" he might wonder, "Doesn't Mum know that I am coming to her?" He drops on his bum and bursts into tears and Mum closes in and comforts him.

However, the next time he drops on his bum and starts crying on sighting Mum's feet stepping away,  she ignores his tears and asks him to come to her on his feet. He doesn't understand that this cruelty is needed so he can strengthen his feeble limbs as he dares to walk.

So is our God. When He is silent, He hasn't departed. When He doesn't answer, He hasn't abandoned you. When He steps back it is not because He is fleeing from us but because He wants us to draw near to Him and exercise our faith muscles. For if we don't, like the child who refuses to exercise his knee and ankle joints, our growth will be stunted and our faith will wither and die.

Monday 10 February 2014

Can God trust you?

When you cheat in exams or buy exam papers because it is hard to pass without them; others understand your predicament and buy into the idea. “It is not really a sin; it is the society” you say. But can God trust you?

When you have so many mouths to feed, bills to offset, debts to repay and your take home pay is nothing to write about. You postpone paying your tithe, or put off paying that pledge. “It is not a sin, it is the economy” you say. But can God trust you?

When you come across that money on the floor or wrongful credit in your bank account; you have prayed to God to meet your needs and you are still waiting. You bend down and pick it or withdraw the one in your account because of the pressing financial need. “It is not a sin; it is a country with dysfunctional economic policies” you rationalize. But can God trust you?

Blessing Audit

Do you recall the US Airways Flight 1549 that had engine troubles due to bird strike and had to ditch into the Hudson River? Do you remember that no life was lost- 150 passengers and 5 crew members all were rescued? I was wondering what would follow if that took place in Naija on our own River Niger. I believe that we have well-experienced and brilliant pilots who can repeat that feat. (Although I am not sure if after safely ditching in the water we have watercrafts or the like to safely ferry passengers to shore). But let’s say somehow they were all miraculously saved and transported to dry land, the following are a few of what might happen.